Excitement Abound! My New YouTube Mindset

This year, one of my resolutions was to build my YouTube Channel up more. Like, I don’t want to become a super mega ultra star or anything, but I would like a small following so I know my work is reaching more people. I joined a forum for YouTubers the past week, and how helpful it’s been in 1 week alone has been amazing! I’ve met some great people, gotten a lot of tips, and realized that yes, this is something that I really enjoy doing, and want to continue doing. Just not in the same ways I was doing last year.


I usually am like “Ugh, I have barely any subscribers WHYYY” but I realize that even though my channel has been open and active for almost 10 months now, I didn’t really do anything to promote, better, or market my channel. Sure, I post music and my artsy stuff on it, but my videos aren’t up to the quality I’d like them to be, and there’s a lot more content I wanted to start creating as well (like vlogging for example) that for some reason or another, I haven’t started making. Those “some reason, or another”s, were really just my nerves, and me not wanting to show my face in YouTube videos because I feel like I’d just be sooo awkward on cam when I’m not at a gig performing lol.


But, I want all of that to change in 2016! I’m going to be upgrading my video recording setup, and I’m already starting to script some videos that I will be releasing. I also want to do weekly vlogs that are a lot like this blog – me talking about my creative musings, inspirations, and things I’m interested in, only in vlog format. I’ll still update here as well – but doing this also in vlog format is something I’ve wanted to do for years, and although I am nervous about doing this as well, I’m also uber excited.
This entire process is excited-nervous for me actually: I’m really excited to get my new equipment, and get going on this new YouTube adventure. This video this week will be my last static pic video, if all goes well! Here’s hoping I get all of my stuff ordered, and get used to it in time for my next cover video 😀 regardless of how soon I get my equipment, I’m really excited to embark on this new challenge for myself, and know that it’ll only help me grow as a person. As always, I’ll keep you guys posted on my progress in this new endeavor!

Author: Crystal

A California based musician who is as passionate about music as she is video games,, Crystal (or ValkyrieCeles around the interwebs) loves to gush about her various nerdtastic loves, rant about anything currently catching her fancy, and generally just express herself in any creative outlet she can get her hands on. An avid reader, writer, and dreamer, Crystal has been leaving pieces of herself around the internet since 2006.

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